Emotional norms for 524 French personality-trait words

Article published in Behavior Research Methods
The database is presented in the article:

Ric, F., Alexopoulos, T., Muller, D., & Aubé, B. (2013). Emotional norms for 524 French personality-trait words. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 414-421. (pdf)

The database can be found in the following Excel file that you can download below

Description of the variables

Descriptive data:

Trait: French trait word
Translation: English translation of the trait
FreqMovies: Frequency of occurrence of the trait-word in movie subtitles
FreqBooks: Frequency of occurrence of the trait-word in books

Rated dimensions:

Val: Valence of the trait:
PCONS: Perception of consequences for the possessor of the trait:
OCONS: Perception of consequences for others interacting with the possessor of the trait:
APP: Perceived approach / avoidance tendency associated with the trait:
Anger: Perceived anger conveyed by the trait:
Disgust: Perceived disgust conveyed by the trait:
Happiness: Perceived happiness conveyed by the trait:
Fear: Perceived fear conveyed by the trait:
Sadness: Perceived sadness conveyed by the trait:

Measures associated with each of the rated dimensions:

Mean evaluation of the trait: MeanX, where X is referring to the dimension of interest; e.g., MeanVal = mean valence of the trait.
Standard deviation of evaluations of the trait: SDX, where X is referring to the dimension of interest; e.g., SDVa = standard deviation of valence for the trait.
Proportion of participants giving a response for the trait: RateX = proportion of participants who gave a response for the X dimension; e.g., RateVal = proportion of participants who gave a response on valence for this trait.

Research project SATIS funded by l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Research project conducted in collaboration between:

- François Ric (head of the project; University of Bordeaux)

- Theodore Alexopoulos
(University Paris Descartes)

- Dominique Muller
(University Grenoble Alpes)

The SATIS project
The SATIS Project stands for Affective stimuli and social information processing (or in French Stimuli Affectifs et Traitement de l’Information Sociale). The aim of this research project is to shed light on how the presence of affective stimuli in the environment influences the way people feel, process incoming information, form judgment, and behave in social settings.
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